will definitely say what is this fellow about to say this time again, well
epilepsy is a type of disease that embarrasses suffers in this world of ours
and i can tell you Nigeria is no exception.
forget all the scientist saying about epilepsy causes, what happen
to individual during the process of seizure, its
an embarrassing moment to see a fully grown adult be it male or
female having seizures which most times takes an average of 2-5 minutes
before you coming back to normal.
But there are ways you can avoid all this by simply not allowing
the triggering effects to occur
1. if you know you down with epilepsy or you know someone who has
one, please advice the person to stay clear of sudden ray of light to the eyes,
its a trigger of epilepsy attack. Such as TV set, Sun, Florescent light.
2. Constant missing of medication dose can cause or trigger
epilepsy in sufferers.
3. Those that drink excessive alcohol.
4. Staying completely away from drugs such as cocaine,
ecstasy pills.
5. Importantly lack of sleep which is actually very difficult
in this modern world that you have to keep up with social media,
friends, work and pressure to update one’s self constantly, all this leave
people with little amount of time to sleep and rest. This will
amount to stress and before long it will build up and before you know it, the
sufferer will have seizure.
One has to stay away or be able to manage all mentioned above to
stop embarrassment.
Please do keep up while I give you more information on healthcare
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